Welcome to the exclusive & authentic
Rory Breaker & Lennox Gilbey
merchandise range
Vas Blackwood. Artist Voiceover. Freemasonry

The Lennox slogan’s “SHA-AH-DOW”, “BLOODY WATCH” & “They seek him HERE, they seek him THERE….the damn illusive Sha-ah-dow” alongside Rory’s epic catchphrases “Is this some WHITE C#nts joke that BLACK C#nts don’t get?”, “If the MILK turns out to be SOUR, I ain’t the kind of PUSSY to drink it” & “I’LL KILL YA” are now yours to treasure for life & beyond.
A day doesn’t pass without a member of the public stopping me requesting I quote one of these slogans or equally they gleefully recite it to me. I deeply respect the adulation & I daily thank the Great Architect of the Universe for inspiring me to have delivered these six catchphrases so eloquently that they’re now worthy of merchandise inscription for eternity.